About this Location

USO Soto Cano is the first-ever USO center in Honduras. Like the USO’s 250+ other centers around the globe, USO Soto Cano provides service members with a comfortable place to relax and recharge after long days in the field.

This USO Soto Cano center is an “unstaffed” USO center, which means that although the center looks like a typical USO center, and has remote support from the USO expeditionary team, there is no boots-on-the-ground, permanent USO employees running the center, as is the case with other front-line locations.

Amenities at this Location

Food & Beverages
  • Beverages
  • Snacks
  • Wi-Fi
Multimedia & Gaming
  • Board & Table Games
  • Gaming computers
  • Playing Cards
  • PS5
  • TV & Cable
  • Xbox One
Rest & Relaxation
  • Air Conditioning
“You guys are everywhere, all the places I have been to, the USO is always there,” Lowery said.
Staff Sgt. Natosha Lowery

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