Meet Scott, Mobile Operations & Programs Manager, Central

How long have you been with the Mobile USO Program?

8 years

What is your favorite part about being a Mobile Operations & Programs Manager for the Mobile USO Program?

The same as it was when I wasn’t the Manager actually. Simply taking the Mobile to the troops in way out remote locations, especially during natural disaster response, and seeing them excited to get some USO love in their times of hardship.

What is your favorite city the Mobile USO Program has sent you?

Camp Grayling, MI

What is the most memorable event with the USO and why?

Our Mobile was deployed to the Texas Border, embedded with a FOB on the Rio Grande for 4 weeks, after the Army was executively deployed to the border in 2018. We supplied a fun Thanksgiving to the 3000 troops deployed there, and we were their only source of entertainment in a very remote location with troops whose morale was in the toilet, plus physically worn out. Within 2 days of our arrival, Moral was through the roof! By the time we left we had set up a remote USO center with gaming, TV lounge, kitchen, outdoor activities, and a semi-trailer container full of supplies for them to use for the entirety of their deployment. It was uber rewarding and fun.

Tell us one fun fact about yourself.

I make stuff!

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