Meet The Central Sprinter Team

Georgett Scallion:

What is your favorite military memory?

Being deployed as a civilian to support our nations heroes in Baghdad, Iraq! That was such an amazing and humbling experience!

What is your favorite military base?

Baumholder, Germany is the most beautiful military base I’ve visited so far!

What is your favorite city the Mobile USO Program has sent you?

I’ve been milling over this question, and I haven’t come up with an answer yet because I have such a gypsy soul that I love everywhere I go so to name a favorite is impossible for me. I would have to say I have yet to find a “favorite”.

What is the most memorable event with the USO and why?

While I haven’t been with the USO long, when I was a civilian employee in St Louis with Survivor Outreach Services the USO was a huge part of the annual Snowball Express event. I remember working with the USO and being so humbled by how hard working and generous every one of the volunteers and staff members were. They put a lot of time and effort into planning to make the event special for those families!

Tell us one fun fact about yourself.

I’m a huge adrenaline junkie and one of my favorite memories is jumping off The Stratosphere in Las Vegas!

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